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2018 Resume & Profile Changes

What is changing?

  • Resume and Profile will be merged into a single CareerCross Profile
  • Multiple resumes will no longer be supported
  • All public profiles will be made anonymous
  • Copy and Paste Resumes will no longer be supported
  • The My Page Menu will be updated

When will these changes take place?

These changes will occur on the 23rd of January, 2018.

What will happen to Resume and Profile?

With this change, Resume and Profile will be merged into a new, unified CareerCross Profile, allowing you to view and edit your information in just one place.

The way your resume is merged into your profile may differ depending on the type of resume selected for merge, along with the current visibility setting.

How will my resume be selected for merge?

  • Resumes will be selected according to either their visibility setting or the date they were last updated.
  • First, resumes with visibility set to PUBLIC or ANONYMOUS will be automatically selected for merge into the new profile.
  • If visibility is set to private, then the most recently updated resume will be automatically selected for merge instead.
  • After merging your selected resume into your profile, any other resumes you may have had will become unavailable.
Selected Resume Type Visibility (Pre-Change) Merge Result
CareerCross Resume PUBLIC or ANONYMOUS
  • Resume data merged into your new profile unchanged.
CareerCross Resume PRIVATE
  • Resume data merged into your new profile unchanged.
Copy and Paste Resume PUBLIC or ANONYMOUS
  • Resume data merged into your new profile with minor changes.
  • Copy and Paste Resume text copied into the Additional Information section of your new profile.
  • Work Experience and Education History now become required.
Copy and Paste Resume PRIVATE
  • Resume data merged into your new profile with changes.
  • Copy and Paste Resume text copied into the Additional Information section of your new profile.
  • Work Experience and Education History now become required.

Why is the original Copy and Paste Resume text being copied into the Additional Information section of the new profile?

We will do this so that your information is not lost. The text is simply being moved to a new location.

How can I tell which of my resumes was most recently Updated?

Information on the Resumes Page (https://www.careercross.com/en/resume) includes the Updated column, which shows when each of your resumes was last updated.

Why are you reducing the number of resumes I can use?

After the changes, all of your details and information will be available in one place: your new CareerCross Profile. Information management will be made easier by unifying all of your resume and profile data. Also, by standardizing all profiles, we can ensure that all our users have essential information that is relevant to candidate searches. This means that your visibility among employers has the potential to increase.

What is the difference between a Copy and Paste Resume and a CareerCross Resume?

The main difference between a CareerCross and a Copy and Paste Resume is that Copy and Paste Resumes allow free text in place of the more detailed Work Experience and Education History fields that are available in CareerCross Resumes. These differences are summarised in the following table:

  CareerCross Resume Copy and Paste Resume
Has Detailed Work History Yes No
Has Detailed Education Yes No
Has Free Text Resume No Yes

To find out what type of resume(s) you have, please log in and visit the Resume page. Resume Type is shown below the Resume Title and Resume ID for each resume.

Why are Copy and Paste Resumes being phased out?

Creation of new Copy and Paste Resumes has not been supported since 2016. We have been gradually phasing out these types of resumes because the way they are structured makes searching inefficient and could even affect the accuracy of candidate search results.

How can I tell if I have a Copy and Paste Resume?

On the Resumes page, you can currently view a list of your resumes. Below each individual Resume Title, the Resume ID and type are listed. If you have a Copy and Paste Resume, the Resume Type field will say Copy and Paste.

How will the My Page Menu change?

  • Resumes will be removed
  • Security will be removed
  • Cover Letters will be added
  • Visibility settings that were previously found in the Security page will instead be found in the Profile page

Where will the Resumes page go?

After the change, all user information will be maintained on the Profile page. Because users will no longer have separate resumes, the Resume page will no longer exist. If you want to edit your information, you will be able to do so by clicking on the Profile button in the My Page Menu.

Visibility Changes

How are visibility options changing?

After the change, all public and anonymous profiles will be set to the new visibility option of ‘Visible’. Visible works in the same way as the anonymous setting before the change. That means you may be contacted by scout mail if your profile is visible, but your name, photo, e-mail address, phone number, and the name of your current employer will be hidden. The private label will change to hidden, but the practical result will remain the same: your profile will be unsearchable and unviewable on CareerCross.

Visibility options before the change Visibility options after the change
Private Hidden
Anonymous Visible
Public NA

Scout Mail

What will employers see when they send me scout mails?

When an employer sends a scout mail, they will be shown the exact same information as when viewing your profile details UNTIL you send a positive response. After you send a positive response to a scout mail, your personal details will be revealed.

Resume Search

What will employers see when my profile turns up in search results?

Certain information will be hidden in the search results shown to potential employers. This information includes your name, photo, e-mail address, phone number, and the name of your current employer (see Visibility Changes).

Job Applications

How will this change affect my applications?

All data for applications that have already been sent will be preserved. If you have sent an application with a resume that will not be merged with your profile, that resume will still be visible to the employer after the change.

What will be shown to employers to whom I send applications?

When you apply for a job through CareerCross, you are choosing to reveal your personal information to the employer who posted the job. Therefore, they will be able to view your entire profile, including information that is normally hidden (see Visibility Changes).

What if I want to provide information that is either different to my profile or not on my profile?

To include additional information with your profile when submitting an application, users can take advantage of the recently added Attach File feature.

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