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Direct Hire Companies

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TP-Link is the world’s largest provider of wireless networking products. With tens of millions of customers in more than 170 countriesTP-Link is the world’s largest provider of wireless networking products. With tens of millions of customers in more t...

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Polène Japan CO., LTD

Founded in 2016 by three brothers and sisters, the French house Polène creates a collection of leather goods that combines minimalism and creative exploration to offer singular shapes and signatures obtained through excellent artisanal know-how.Founded in 2016 by three brothers and sisters, the French house Polène creates a collection of leather goods that com...

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AINEO Networks

AINEO Networks is a media and technology firm founded in 1997. The AINEO firm is an elite team of engineers, designers, and support players.AINEO Networks is a media and technology firm founded in 1997. The AINEO firm is an elite team of engineers, designe...

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Pipeline K.K.

Protecting businesses with real-time threat data, threat detection & prevention, continuous cyber security monitoring and security analytics. We build partnerships with businesses to help strengthen their cybersecurity posture, and offer solutions for telecommunications, ISP, Service providers, and large enterprise businesses.Protecting businesses with real-time threat data, threat detection & prevention, continuous cyber security monito...

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Recruiter Companies

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Alberto Recruitment is a boutique recruitment agency based in Tokyo and is focused on Legal & Compliance, Finance & Accounting, and Sales & Business Development.Alberto Recruitment is a boutique recruitment agency based in Tokyo and is focused on Legal & Compliance, Finance...

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Hire Pundit Japan Corporation

At Hire Pundit (Ranked as Top 10 Young Recruitment Firms by Silicon Group), we take pride in branding ourselves as a People & Business Consulting Company specializing in recruitment and dispatch of High skilled Professionals in Information Technology, Hi-Tech, Engineering, Oil & Gas and Life Science & Healthcare sectors.At Hire Pundit (Ranked as Top 10 Young Recruitment Firms by Silicon Group), we take pride in branding ourselves as a ...

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Next Move K.K.

Next Move understands that the most important asset of any business is its people.Next Move understands that the most important asset of any business is its people.

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Robert Walters Japan (ロバート・ウォルターズ)

With international offices around the world, our truly global footprint enables us to provide professional recruitment services that meet the demands of job-seekers and employers whose needs extend beyond local markets.With international offices around the world, our truly global footprint enables us to provide professional recruitmen...

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Career Advice

Tips to building a successful international career

Cover Letter

Letter format and
sample cover letter

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Resume Guide

Essential Ways to Write a Resume

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Interview Guide

Dos and don’ts and sample questions

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Salary Guide

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Bilingual Jobs, Careers, Work & Employment in Japan

CareerCross provides information on bilingual work in Japan for bilingual Japanese and English speakers, plus an invaluable resource for non-Japanese living and working in Japan.