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Direct Hire Companies

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Tokyo American Club

With more than 3,800 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and recreational activities and amenities in the heart of the Japanese capital.With more than 3,800 Members, drawn from 50-plus nations, the Club offers a diverse range of cultural, business and r...

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Bee Incorporations

BEE was started as “Bisagni Environmental Enterprise” in 2009 in Shanghai. At BEE we aim to bring together the design and engineering know-how with construction expertise and materials specialization to provide the missing link that enables a project to truly achieve its sustainability goals.BEE was started as “Bisagni Environmental Enterprise” in 2009 in Shanghai. At BEE we aim to bring together the design...

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Intersoft K.K.

We are a multinational IT solution and software development company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Established in 1999, Intersoft has been providing professional services such as infrastracture support and software development for global companies.We are a multinational IT solution and software development company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Established in 199...

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UD Hospitality Management Ltd.

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Recruiter Companies

See HR recruiting companies offering bilingual job opportunities

JAC International Co., Ltd.

JAC International specialises in connecting bilingual and highly-skilled professionals with multinational companies in Japan.JAC International specialises in connecting bilingual and highly-skilled professionals with multinational companies i...

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Our aim is to support candidates into a more vibrant career path where they can play a bigger role in the development of their employer.Our aim is to support candidates into a more vibrant career path where they can play a bigger role in the development...

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Morgan McKinley

As a global professional recruitment consultancy, Morgan McKinley connects specialist talent with leading employers across multiple industries and disciplines.As a global professional recruitment consultancy, Morgan McKinley connects specialist talent with leading employers a...

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Propel Consulting K.K.

Propel Consulting is a recruiting company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, established in 2006.Propel Consulting is a recruiting company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, established in 2006.

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Career Advice

Tips to building a successful international career

Cover Letter

Letter format and
sample cover letter

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Resume Guide

Essential Ways to Write a Resume

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Interview Guide

Dos and don’ts and sample questions

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Salary Guide

Are you earning enough?

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Bilingual Jobs, Careers, Work & Employment in Japan

CareerCross provides information on bilingual work in Japan for bilingual Japanese and English speakers, plus an invaluable resource for non-Japanese living and working in Japan.