第40回 “Don’t Put All One’s Eggs In One Basket” の意味


一つのことに、すべてのリソースを割くなという諺のイディオムです。もともとは、『ドン・キホーテ』の一節にある、“It is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not venture all his eggs in one basket.”で使われた表現といわれています。


Shun:  Hey Peter!  How’s it going today?  

Peter:  It’s going great, thanks!  I just heard we might have a big order coming from a new client.  We might even hit our monthly target just with that deal!     

Shun:  Wow!  That would be great if it comes through.  But just in case we better have some back-up plans, right?  
Peter:  That’s for sure.  We don’t want to put all our eggs in one basket!  Do you have any client prospects we can approach this week?    
Shun:  Yeah, I’ve had a couple of leads come my way.  I’ll try to get some appointments set up asap.     

Peter:  That’s super.  Hopefully we don’t have to count on that one big deal!   
