求人ID : 1275553 更新日 : 2024年06月06日
Cheerful and always willing to learn new

Urgent Need! Project manager for global information services

採用企業 NI DRIVE株式会社
勤務地 神奈川県, 川崎市川崎区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談 ~ 700万円


服装カジュアル 残業少なめ フレックスタイム制


NI DRIVE uses AI technology to provide database-centric information services based on global-scale data lakes and other databases.We are looking for a project manager (data scientist) to plan and develop the platform for such information services as follows

[Required conditions]

● Having interest in realization of digitalized society aim to improve people’s life average and mind of solves problem on its own in global environment

●  The team management skill and Communication skill ability in Japan and overseas

●  The Service planning and Proposal capabilities

●  The ability to lead project efficiently by sharing information, exchange of ideas and collaboration with project stakeholders

●  Experoence of building large-scale information systems and project managers.

●  IT skill Standard ※ Ability equivalent to 1 level 4

※Skill standards set by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA)

[Welcome Condition]

●  Experience of planning, developing and operation for Information system and IT service  

●  Work experience in packaging, SaaS market research, fit & gap analysis, etc.

●  Work experience in project using public cloud

●  Practical experience of a project utilizing service design thinking

●  Work experience of data base manager


職務経験 10年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 基礎会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


●  Advanced IT technology equivalent to the following advanced information processing engineers

[project manager] [IT service management] etc.

●  Project management ability equivalent to PMP qualification * 2

*2 Project Management Professional (PMP)®


  • 神奈川県, 川崎市川崎区
  • 京浜東北線 (東京-横浜)、 川崎駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談 ~ 700万円
勤務時間 09:00~17:00
休日・休暇 ●完全週休2⽇制(⼟・⽇) ●祝⽇ ●年末年始休暇 ●有給休暇
業種 ITコンサルティング


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > プロジェクトマネージャー


会社の種類 中小企業 (従業員300名以下)
外国人の割合 外国人 半数