求人ID : 1476773 更新日 : 2024年05月15日
Fully Remote Work★Global Environment

Security Engineer | HR-tech Company / Fully Remote Work

採用企業 **HR-tech Company**
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 700万円 ~ 1000万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【About the Company】

To be the company that contributes most to employment in the world! Offered in Japan and 10 markets worldwide, with a focus on Southeast Asia!

Provide human resource matching business support cloud service

【Features of the business】
Pioneer in the introduction of matching systems specializing in placement and temporary staffing with a track record of 2,000 companies (cumulative introductions of PORTERS and Professional Agent)

=In-house Services=
■PORTERS Agent: Integrated matching management system for staffing agencies
■PORTERS Staffing: Integrated matching management system for temporary staffing agencies
■PORTERS-Assist: AI x direct scouting * To be released in 2022
■PORTERS Magazine: Recruitment and staffing business support magazine, staffing success magazine 
 New Asian edition launched in October 2023!

Job Description 

【About the Company】
The company develops and operates cloud services for the human resources industry, both domestically and internationally. It supports the entire workflow of the list from managing a company's hiring needs, entering job seekers, setting up and managing automated interviews, matching, making decisions, and updating the list.

・The number of companies that have adopted the system ranges from some listed companies to small and medium-sized customers, with more than 2,100 companies, 10,000 IDs of paying users in 11 countries around the world, and the system is provided on a subscription model.
・The company has received the "Leader" award in the recruitment and staffing system category of the "ITreview Grid Award 2023 Winter" for 13 consecutive terms for its high level of satisfaction and recognition from users.
・AI-based scout assist service also launched, speeding up service development.

The company is looking for a person who can drive business growth of cloud services from a "defensive" perspective.
You will be responsible for planning IT governance strategies and security control activities to ensure service continuity during the operation phase.

1. Planning, execution, and operation of security strategies
Based on the characteristics of the business, you will be responsible for extracting and evaluating risk factors that need to be taken care of from short-, medium-, and long-term perspectives, and engaging in a series of tasks from planning action plans to implementation and operation of measures.
In addition to applying the planned strategies, you will also be responsible for promoting measures to strengthen IT governance within the company.

2. Security management and control operations
You will lead the overall security management and control operations, including the study and implementation of policies to reduce and avoid security risks, as well as periodic operational and business improvements for in-house developed products.


【Working conditions & treatment】


・Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday
・Annual Paid Leave
・New Year Holidays
・Congratulations & Condolence Leave
・Summer Holiday
・Others, etc.

・Full Social Insurance
・Stock Option
・Commuting Allowance)
・Employee Shareholding System
・Telecommuting System


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 無し
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


・Extensive knowledge of security systems
  -Firewall, IDS/IPS, WAF, Endpoint (EDR, Anti-Virus), SIEM (ESM), Cloud infrastructure
・Experience in security strategy planning and operations
・Experience in operation of AWS/Azure, etc.

・Knowledge of infrastructure and network servers
・Experience in development process improvement
・Knowledge of information security related issues


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 700万円 ~ 1000万円
勤務時間 9:00~18:00
休日・休暇 Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday, Annual Paid Leave, etc.
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア