求人ID : 1473606 更新日 : 2024年04月23日
Flextime & Remote Work★Start-up Company

Senior Engineer | Financial Systems

採用企業 ◆Web service planning, development and management company◆
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1100万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制



Continuously refining products that anyone can easily use. The company provides EC/FinTech services that empower individuals and SMBs.

With the mission of "Payment to the People, Power to the People," the company is developing EC/payment/financial services for individuals and small teams with the aim of creating a world where people around the world can freely engage in economic activities.



With "Payment to the People, Power to the People" as its mission, the company is developing EC/payment/financial services with the aim of empowering individuals and small teams to create a world where people around the world can freely engage in economic activities.

The main service, the online store creation service, is used by various store owners all over Japan, and has become one of the largest online store creation services in Japan, with over 1.5 million stores created so far.

The team is responsible for the development of functions related to the company's financial business and store balance management, and is mainly engaged in the development and operation of the following products to solve store owners' financial issues.

・Store sales balance management and balance bank transfer function
・Ability to immediately use store sales balances for card payments
・Funding based on future sales predicted from the store's sales performance

■Development process
In the development team, they take the stance of full-cycle engineers who are in charge of everything from planning to support for the services and functions they are responsible for.
Specifically, they are actively involved in the entire system development lifecycle, including the following

・Requirement definition and design
・Product Support

Currently, they are doing agile development by dividing the development team by product, and each team iterates every two weeks to give feedback to the team and the product.
For example, they conduct retrospectives for each iteration to find better ways to develop products.
In addition, for projects with highly uncertain development, they conduct sprint reviews to review the deliverables at each iteration.
The knowledge gained from the development and operation of each team is shared across the board to improve the development efficiency of not only the products for which they are responsible, but also the company as a whole.

■Attraction of this position
There are opportunities for experience and growth unique to the financial systems that the team takes on.
In addition, as a full-cycle engineer, you will be involved in everything from planning to operation, so you will be able to reflect your own opinions and suggestions in the product and make it better.

・Proactively participate in the development of financial services for stores of various sizes, from listed companies to private businesses.
・Challenge the implementation and infrastructure structure to withstand the high traffic of a popular store that is flooded with buyers the moment a product goes on sale
・Participate in the planning and operation of service growth
・Gain experience in the design, operation, and monitoring of distributed systems
・Gain the experience of building a product without being bound by a specific technical domain
・Develop and improve the development process of the team with your own hands

■Technologies and tools used
 ・Programming languages: Go 1.17, Python 3, PHP 7.3
 ・Frameworks: Go and Python not used, PHP: CakePHP 2
・Web Front End
 ・Programming language: TypeScript
 ・Main framework: Vue.js
・Development tools: VSCode, Jetbrains All products pack
・Cloud Services
 ・AWS: ECS, Fargate, Aurora
・Infrastructure configuration management tool: Terraform
・Monitoring tools: New Relic One, Mackerel, Sentry
・Collaboration tools: Slack, GitHub, Miro, Zoom, ZenHub, Kibela, Google Workspace


【Annual salary 】

8 million yen ~ 11 million yen


【 Working time 】

Flextime System


【 Welfare 】

■2 days off per week, national holidays
■Paid vacations (10 days granted on the first day of employment), summer vacation, New Year vacation, congratulation and condolence leave, and various other vacations
■Commuting allowance (up to 50,000 yen/month)
■Various types of social insurance: unemployment insurance, worker's accident compensation insurance, health insurance, employee pension insurance



職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 無し
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


・Deep knowledge of PHP/Go/JavaScript (TypeScript) or other languages and peripheral tools
・Experience in architecture review and middleware selection for new web application design
・Knowledge and experience in web application operation
・Design and implementation skills across multiple applications and DBs on distributed systems
・Performance tuning skills for web applications
・Formulation and implementation of measures to increase the productivity of all engineers in the team

・Business knowledge of payment systems
・Experience in extending and maintaining systems that have been in operation for more than a few years and have been developed by more than double digit engineers
・Experience modeling monolithic systems, extracting domains, and leading modular monoliths or microservices
・Experience in performance monitoring and failure analysis using Observability tools
・Engineering skills to resolve a large number of RDBMS writes from a technical and requirements perspective
・Experience working as a full cycle engineer

【Ideal Applicants】
・"Stay Geek" person who can stick to the commitment for the users
・Be Hopeful, Move Fast, and Speak Openly, which are the three behavioral guidelines.
・Share the company's mission and be able to solve problems without hesitation for the growth of the product
・Enjoy the Internet and have a strong interest in web services and applications
・Take ownership of issues and work to improve the product, no matter what department or position you are in.
・Enjoys constantly changing situations and can respond flexibly to change.
・Be happy with the growth and success of the store, as well as the growth and success of the members


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1100万円
勤務時間 Flextime System
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト