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Eiken Foundation of Japan - Feature Company

Eiken Foundation of Japan - Feature Company


当協会は、グローバル人材の育成が求められている日本で、その実現を支援するパイオニアとして1963年に誕生しました。志願者37,663名でスタートした代表的な資格試験である「英検」は、年間志願者数約390万人にまで成長し、累計志願者数1億人を突破しました。試験のラインナップも社会のニーズに合わせて増え、TEAP、IELTS、Linguaskill Business、GCASなど、学習段階や目的に合わせた試験の提供を行っています。







About the Eiken Foundation of Japan 

The Eiken Foundation of Japan is a public-interest incorporated foundation established in 1963 as a pioneer in helping to develop global human talents in Japan. The EIKEN Test, the most iconic qualification examination among all the tests we provide, started with 37,663 test takers and has grown to about 3.9 million applicants per year, surpassing 100 million candidates in total. Our lineup of exams has also increased to meet the needs of society, and we offer a variety of exams to meet different learning stages and objectives, including TEAP, IELTS, Linguaskill Business, and GCAS.

Why do we produce and administer exams? The answer lies in our philosophy. Our goal is to "contribute to the promotion of lifelong learning by assessing English proficiency and fostering it through a variety of opportunities in order to contribute to the acquisition and dissemination of practical English necessary for daily social life."

We'd like to be a companion for people of all ages who are learning English through a variety of tests and learning support activities. We'd like to support the development of global human resources to the best of our ability, always looking ahead to the next generation in this ever-changing age. We are looking for great talents who would share this mission with us.

The Eiken Foundation of Japan currently 

The importance of reforming English education in Japan has been strongly recognized in the field of education, and the momentum for learning English has been increasing with the need of learning and evaluation of the Four English Skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) and the introduction of English as a subject in elementary schools.

In this environment, EIKEN Test has been used not only as a conventional qualification test for lifelong learning by people of all ages, from the young to the elderly, but also as a test for entrance examinations.Thus, the mission of the Eiken Foundations of Japan has become more important than ever.

In order to respond to these social demands, we will continue to pursue the provision of more rigorous and fair examinations where all test takers are able to best demonstrate their abilities on the day. In this period of unprecedented change, we have launched a number of projects, utilizing IT and other technologies, and are working at a rapid pace. In recent years, we offer Eiken S-CBT Test, a computer-based EIKEN Test, which measures the four English skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) in one day nationwide enabling us to expand opportunities for candidates to take the Eiken.