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ATLAS Computer - Company Details

ATLAS Computer

Company Description

People cannot live by themselves, either in ordinary living or in business

I have been influenced by listening to stories of many entrepreneurs and successful people. Of course also from my own experience. I think that people can live by helping each other. No matter how powerful person or no matter how wealthy they are, they cannot live by themselves. They should also be supported by someone.

I think this is the same for business. In business, we are premised on competition, so it may be difficult to feel the concept of mutual assistance. Now, I want everyone to remember the common sense of coexistence.

Since the IT industry is engaged in many industries, we can support many customers. That's why I am involved in the business of this industry.

Energize SMEs in Japan! Our company has also grown step by step.

Recently Japanese SMEs are doing their best in a tough economic environment. Japan's small and medium enterprises account for 99% of the total number of companies, and it is no exaggeration to say that most Japanese companies are small and medium enterprises. I believe that Japan's economy will also be revitalized if you enrich this small business.

In recent years, thanks to the development of the Internet, the success of business has not necessarily been proportional to the scale of the enterprise has become an era. In other words, even a small company can succeed and become a big company.

We have been promoting business from small capital. It was a business plan that balancedly considered the growth of each employee and the development of the company. Furthermore, in this business plan, I first thought about creating an environment where employees can work until retirement age. In order to realize it, we focused not only on Japan but also overseas, and diversified the economic risks of Japan.

I would like to be a good example of Japanese SMEs, and be able to support other SMEs.

In the world, the way of thinking about diversification is advancing, I respect it. Each person has a different personality, and each person has good or weak points. In Japan's standardized education so far, it is not easy to create new technological innovations and services ahead of the times.

In order to create technological innovation and innovation, it is necessary to develop business that makes full use of personnel with diverse personality. I think it will be a new way of working in Japan. And that will lead to improved productivity in Japan, and you will be able to help you develop your customers.

I think that our company should be a good example of small and medium enterprises. I would like to succeed so that I can become one opportunity to rejuvenate Japanese SMEs.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
・コンピュータソフトウェアの企画、設計、開発、輸出入及び販売 ・コンピュータ及びその周辺機器の設計、製造、輸出入及び販売 ・コンピュータソフトウェア、コンピュータ及びその周辺機器の保守 ・電気通信事業法に基づく第二種電気通信業 ・情報処理サービス業並びに情報提供サービス業 ・日用品雑貨の輸出入及び販売 ・前各号に付帯する一切の事業 ・契約形態 業務請負契約による客先常駐での技術力提供 ・請負契約による一括受注  
小長谷 丈晴  
Number of Employees
11 - 50  


Main Office
NOE bldg 5F
2-5-1 Taito, Taito-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1100016

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